Recently, KMZ Industries began cooperation with the Nezhinsky Fat Plant. At the request of the client, 4 hopper silos SMVU 110.14 with a diameter of 11 meters with a total storage capacity of 6576 tons were manufactured and delivered to the facility.
All silos are developed by the design bureau of our plant. Since the containers will be used to store the granulated meal produced here and will be subject to additional loads, they, in particular:
To be sure that the equipment assembling is carried out properly, the customer immediately ordered an assembling supervision service from our plant. Also, our specialists have carried out the automation of various parts of the plant. This was the first experience of KMZ Industries in the automation of a processing plant – we successfully coped with the task, and are ready to implement this experience at other processing plants in our country.
+38 (05346) 221 38
2 Sergii Nihoian St., Karlivka, Poltava region, 39500, Ukraine
+38 (050) 435 76 97
sales@kmzindustries.ua ,
2V Mykilsko-Slobidska St., office 157, Kyiv, 02002, Ukraine