To make all processes at the storage complex as much transparent and controllable as possible, and as a consequence – to manage its cost-effectiveness; exactly this task, assigned by the grain silo owner, is performed by the computer control complex solutions implemented by our company.
Hardware components aresupplied byleadingglobal brands (Siemens, Schneider, Eaton).
Software solutions implemented on the PLCnext Technology platform are provided by PhoenixContact, a German electrical engineering giant.
Automation of the grain storage complex starts with the construction of a transparent and efficient processing chain.
Design availability allows the following:
Automation without a design increases the implementation cost 2 times. Investments in the design development save up to 50% of the budget of such implementation, because of future modifications and alterations (materials, services) absence.
It is significantly important to design a complex solution for future reference. It can be implemented stage-by-stage, in the following order: safety of the conveyor line, separator, and grain dryer, which are responsible for the grain quality; grain receiving to exclude a fraudulent scheme.
It’s possible to implement the automation system both at the new and the existing elevator without the necessity of closing down operations and without reference to the season.
Above that, НАССР (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) at the storage complex also requires complete automation of the processes, which is mandatory for the industrial facilities engaged in activities with food substances.
Turnkey automation of the elevator complex with a capacity of 40 000 tons of one-time storage takes 3-4 months, from the technological flows programming work to equipment assembly and software installation at the facility.
The term of the return on investment of the fully-automated elevator is 1.5 years shorter in comparison with a similar non-automated elevator. This is achieved by cutting off the expenses on personnel, reducing energy consumption and optimizing the operation-routing sequence.
15% of the resources from the annual turnover on operating costs are released.
KMZ Industries specializes in the automation of grain storage complexes because we understand grain storage and processing technology.
A properly implemented automation enables you full access to your grain storage complex, wherever you are. It allows you to completely control a situation: from the smallest detail up to all process flow, e.g. to manage directly with your profit.
+38 (05346) 221 38
2 Sergii Nihoian St., Karlivka, Poltava region, 39500, Ukraine
+38 (050) 435 76 97 ,
2V Mykilsko-Slobidska St., office 157, Kyiv, 02002, Ukraine